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GPON and LiFi: The new Santa Claus?

GPON and LiFi

GPON and LiFiJust when we thought the Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) has made enough waves, it has found a new partner in Lifi.  GPON and LiFi are breaking new ground in wireless technology.

And what is LiFi?

Li-Fi stands for  ‘Light Fidelity.’  It uses an optical wireless communication.  A wireless optical networking technology that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for data transmission.

So what?


So What?

I am certain Santa would not approve that tone.

LiFi is similar to Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). It can complement WiFi or even replace it.

I know you appreciate WiFi.

If not,

You, my friend, are an anomaly.

That’s what!

So why would Wi-Fi warrant a complement and or even a replacement?

This is why.

The internet industry is battle weary. It has been fighting with WiFi technologies over its lack of  spectrum.

Spectrum efficiency is the optimized use of bandwidth so that the maximum amount of data can be transmitted with the fewest transmission errors.

Know this.

GPON and LiFi  may be one of Santa’s best gift ever.

He’s on his way down the chimney.

And all wrapped up for you is how the Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) will dance with LiFi.

A  spectacular dance it will be.

GPON and LiFi  are closing in on victory with the ultimate one-two punch.

You see, GPON  has been working on technologies to enable the transportation of gigabits of data  through an optical fiber network.

And to compound the glory of that progress is Lifi.

Lifi transmits light at 10,000 times more than the speed of WiFi wirelessly!

In case you missed that, here it is again.

Lifi delivers data 10,000 times faster than Wifi using light.

GPON and LiFi would have to be the new Santa.

What else could explain this serendipitous discovery?

Let’s chew on this a little more here.

Historically, the telecommunications industry’s dependence on spectrum  was restricted to its availability.

Furthermore,  spectrum transmits data slower than light.

Light, on the other hand, for transmitting data is not only 10,000 times faster, it is more readily available and it consumes less energy.

Do you recall the main benefits of Gigabit Fiber Optical Network (GPON)?


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