TechTonic Times

Security I Networking I Storage I IT Staffing I Managed Services

If You Wouldn’t Vote For Gingrich, Drop Symantec.

Newt Gingrich,  the proverbial Washington insider, is campaigning on his vision of a reformed America. Ironic. What will that vision look like? Hopefully nothing like the track record of his personal life. But to be fair, his past failures do not automatically disqualify him from the presidency. Right? After all, this is America where second chances is our staple. 'And it isn't over 'til it's over.' We all subscribe to this principle in theory....

Security Breach? Go Ahead, Infect Me.

"Microbicide research is developing a new method of HIV prevention that will allow individuals to apply a gel, cream, or film prior to sexual activity." An earlier post highlighted the hackers pick for 2011 to date, with the Citigroup data breach taking the top spot. I am sure the officials at Citibank would have preferred to be number one on another type of list; unfortunately, we don't get to choose our poison or how we are going to die....


"The Wall Street Journal reported that outsiders had repeatedly penetrated the computer network of Nasdaq OMX Group during the past year." Convicted  D.C  sniper, John Allen Muhammad, along with his 17-year old accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, terrorized the Washington region in September and October 2002 as they engaged in a series of apparently random sniper attacks. Sixteen people were shot. Ten died. Theirs, though random in...