TechTonic Times

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Consumers, Your Data is a Joke

Companies do not care about protecting consumer data and the Equifax breach confirms this. Equifax faced a day of reckoning on Monday. The credit company was fined close to 700 million dollars for their 2017 attack . The hack exposed the data of over 143 million consumers. The breach leaked full names, date of births, SSN, Driver’s license numbers, tax ID and other sensitive information. Sure, the company is being fined and victims are being...

Data Silos Derail Productivity and Costs YOU Money.

Collection of information from different sources Every organization aims to achieve peak levels of productivity and save money. Yet so many organizations use multiple point solutions that result in data silos. Data silos result in the exact opposite of productivity and cost-efficiency. Even worse, some companies don't realize that data silos are to be blamed. What are data silos you ask and exactly why do they occur? Keep reading to find out....