TechTonic Times

Security I Networking I Storage I IT Staffing I Managed Services

HP FutureSmart

Just like operating systems on PCs, firmware is critical to everything printers do. Watch this interesting video about HP FutureSmart firmware, which is used on all HP Enterprise devices. It's the solution that makes your printer fleet easier to manage and gives you a range of features across your fleet—from the user experience to app support to security.

​​Centro Hospitalar builds up resistance to threats, analyzes 48 million logs a day with Microsoft Security solutions​

When Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro needed a way to protect sensitive, highly confidential patient data and applications in its hybrid environment, it chose Microsoft Security solutions. Get the story for lessons learned on the hospital system's future-forward strategy based on a dynamic, cloud-based security approach that stays on top of threats and positions the provider for cloud migration. Learn what the provider gains by...

Aruba 5-for-3 NA Customers

Solution brief outlining the Aruba 5-for-3 offer, where customers can get 5 cloud-ready wireless access points at the price of 3. Dive into how Aruba wireless access points can supercharge IT, user, and IoT experiences while ensuring top-tier security and simplicity. View: Aruba 5-for-3 NA Customers