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BYOD Policy: 3 Tips for Universities in the IoT Era

BYOD Policy

Each semester, your university welcomes a new cohort of students equipped with the latest personal devices. While it’s exhilarating that students are coming prepared to learn, we live in the
BYOD Internet of Things (IoT) era; all those devices of various types, models, and configurations can present a cybersecurity risk for universities with bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies.

Network access control (NAC) solutions help your IT team manage BYOD—but these days, any old NAC won’t cut it. Just as students strive for grades that meet Dean’s list criteria, your university should seek a NAC that satisfies the following standards set by our team of IT experts.     

1. Low Maintenance

 From registration, to orientation, to graduation, you have a lot to attend to on campus. You need a NAC that performs at peak functionality with minimal support.

Major improvements don’t have to require a major overhaul. It’s critical to select a system that’s compatible with your existing network infrastructure—that’s how you avoid having to continuously adjust Layer 2 network switch devices, wireless access points, and virtual private network (VPN) concentrators.


 Few know the power of information better than universities. You understand the value of a system that provides real-time and historical insights into the devices on your network.

 Real-time updates allow for closer tracking of end-user behavior, empowering your university to uphold its most important BYOD security policies. Simply search a device’s IP, MAC address, or username to determine owner compliance with university rules and regulations.

Don’t limit your view to the present. Employ a NAC that offers granular historical database reporting. Comprehensive records enable staff to establish context and uncover currently overlooked user behavior patterns. Analyze trends, audit compliance, and archive data with unparalleled accuracy for a stronger, safer network.

3. Cost Effective

Of course, the system’s cost must be taken into consideration.

Pay for quality rather than quantity: opt for a NAC that’s priced according to peak load, rather than a system that’s priced per user.

Enjoy rising enrollment rates without worrying about the cost to support them. As a bustling university supporting a BYOD policy in the high stakes IoT-era, it’s critical that you embrace a NAC that’s easy to use, informative, and cost-effective.

If your NAC doesn’t make the grade, don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Abrahams Consulting, we’ll help you understand all your options and choose a solution that’s right for your university.

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