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Ransomware: Coming to A City Near You

Baltimore pinned on globe to represent ransomware target

Only companies and organizations can be victims of cyber attacks right? Wrong! More and more cities, potentially the one you are living in right now are becoming victims of vicious cyber attacks. The most recent victim is the city of Baltimore. A ransomware attack targeted the city’s government computer network, causing quite a stir.

Baltimore mayor, Bernard Young was forced to shut down most of the city’s servers due to this infection. At the time of attack, city officials confirmed that no personal data was breached. However, city agencies such as the Dept of Finance and the Dept of Public Works, faced massive service delays.

Ransomware: 2 Baltimore: 0

Unfortunately, Baltimore is not in a unique situation. A number of American cities have been facing similar attacks. The concern, however is that this is the city’s second ransomware attack in under a year. The first, targeted the city’s 911 emergency dispatch system. Fortunately, it was caught early and no real damage was done.

Still, these ransomware attacks, raises a few questions that need to be addressed by the city. Is the city’s infrastructure up to par?  Are city officials properly trained on cyber terrorism? Does the city’s annual budget prioritize cyber security? Baltimore’s fiscal 19 budget was less than fiscal 18’s and focused primarily on safety, violence reduction and increased school funding. These are all extremely important, given Baltimore’s relationship with violence and the dire state of its public schools.

Proactive not Reactive

However, two ransomware attacks in under a year should set off alarms within the city government to take proactive measures. Not reactive ones. Increased security measures must be implemented. Cyber threats are on the prowl, Baltimore must always be armed and ready. This month it was Baltimore, next month it could be someplace else. If smart, officials from other cities are taking note, to ensure their city isn’t next.

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